博客來精選推薦The Art of Baking With Natural Yeast- Breads, Pancakes, Waffles, Cinnamon Rolls & Muffins


The Art of Baking With Natural Yeast- Breads, Pancakes, Waffles, Cinnamon Rolls & Muffins

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The Art of Baking With Natural Yeast- Breads, Pancakes, Waffles, Cinnamon Rolls & Muffins

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The Art of Baking With Natural Yeast- Breads, Pancakes, Waffles, Cinnamon Rolls & Muffins


Cooking in a Small Kitchen

Margaritaville- Relaxed Recipes for a Taste of Paradise



Say goodbye to commercial yeast, and hello to a healthier body!

With allergies to gluten and commercial yeast on the rise, natural yeast is a fun and healthy solution to baking all the foods you love—while improving your body’s antioxidants, breaking down grains, and making your bread taste more delicious than ever. "Bread Geek" Melissa Richardson, coauthor of The Art of Baking with Natural Yeast, is back with new and refined techniques and tips that will take your natural yeast breads to the next level. Try over 60 new recipes, including vegan, diabetic-friendly, and no-wait recipes like:

  • Cranberry Ginger Loaf
  • Vegan Waffles
  • Cracked Pepper Spelt Crackers
  • Basil Dinner Crepes
  • Salted Chocolate Sourdough Bread
From troubleshooting tips to artistic finishing touches, this guide will make baking with natural yeast fail-proof, healthy, and delicious—every time. So grab your starter, flour your hands, and get ready to bake!


  • 作者: Warnock, Caleb/ Richardson, Melissa
  • 原文出版社:Front Table Books
  • 出版日期:2018/01/09
  • 語言:英文

The Art of Baking With Natural Yeast- Breads, Pancakes, Waffles, Cinnamon Rolls & Muffins


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